Velcrow Ripper
Legendary video artist, activist, and documentarian, Velcrow had been
a house inspiration and patron art-hero to many of us for years before
finally he stumbled in the front door and pitched a tent. An invaluable
artist and collaborative spirit, we're all are blessed and charmed as
a generation of artists to have he and his peers among us.
Vitality model and culinary muse, Sook is our in-house totem animal and
spirit guide; living proof that courageous and inventive living the secret
of eternal youth. She is as [Grand] Mother to Us!
Periodic Guests::
Ben Cerveny
rocking the casbah from coast to coast, humanoid next-root supercomputer,
big Ben is known to periodically materialize here on the left coast of
canada, ejected from the smooth flow of liminal space normally connecting
LAX with JFK. When this occurs, inter.missionaries are enthralled by his
endless lore on emergent systems, his oceanic cognizance of experiential
game architecture, and his deep familiarity with the subtle schematic
vectors with which we engage in this game of art - a true giant of all
imaginings' immanent virtualities...
Advocates and Mentors::
David Rimmer
Someone among us joked that Daivd Rimmer is our biggest supporter - he's
been to nearly every inter.mission event. It's true, and we are honoured
by the association. One of the first wave of the local inter-media tradition,
these proto-video and performance artists staged the kind of unrecordable
fluxist 'happenings' which inspire our own group's desires and aspirations.
inter.mission thrives in this still-flourishing local tradition, and we
are always delighted to party with David's boyish example of how our region's
earliest avant-garde electronic artists have ebulliently lived the exploratory
path they've blazed..
Eric is a recipient of Inter.mission's honorary doctorate of letters certificate.
Mentor, inspiration, malevolently accused corruptor of the youth, Dr.Brute,
Neitzsche of our age, has always exhilaratingly provoked that absurdist
intensity which we all must now heroically strive to endure.